If you’re interested in getting involved with our work on this issue, please contact us for the internship opportunity. We’ll give you a chance to flex your research and problem solving skills, you’ll learn a lot about global development, and you’ll have the opportunity to do some good for your community.
Hunger and malnutrition remains a widespread and pressing problem across Sub-Saharan Africa, affecting millions of individuals and families. Despite the continent's rich natural resources and potential for agricultural productivity, limited agricultural infrastructure, climate variability, political instability, and unequal distribution of resources have resulted in a hunger situation worse than almost anywhere else in the world.
This chronic food insecurity and malnutrition has led to critical health issues for the African population, particularly for children. Previous efforts to address the hunger problem in Africa involve a multi-faceted approach, encompassing outside humanitarian aid coupled with sustainable agricultural development, improved access to healthy food and potable water yet despite it all, the problem persists.
In this project, we will be looking to discover ways to utilize Africa’s abundant natural resources and agricultural potential to better serve its local population. By focusing on creating secure, sustainable and local sources of healthy food, we can create self-sufficient communities that are more hardened and resilient to the climate and political turmoil that make current solutions untenable.
As a part of this assignment, you will be tasked with gathering data and devising new methods of sustainable agriculture that fit the needs of the local communities. Questions we are looking to answer include which types of crops are best suited to the local conditions and dietary needs, and how modern agricultural methods and technologies can help them produce crop yields large enough to feed everyone and develop their local economies.